Sunday, 19 February 2012

Abstract painting-Amy Choi

Ambiguity means uncertainty or inexactness of meaning, and I decided that I wanted to portray this concept through abstract painting.

I was looking for some abstract painters, and I came upon an artist that really piqued my interest..

Marla Olmstead is a 6 year old girl from Binghampton, New York. She started painting a bit after she turned two due to her father's influence, and slowly became recognized by the media for her talents and her ability to create abstract art. 

Her artworks to me, have a tension and depth which seems impossible for a six year old child to achieve. But Marla has done so, and has executed her works beautifully. Although she may be lacking in conceptual aspects, her works nonetheless have a haunting beauty to them. 

this is her website

I haven't tried doing abstract art before, but i think by studying Marla's paintings and other people's works I will be able to learn a lot :)


  1. Beauty is very personal. If you'd like to start abstract painting, why would you choose the one that has no concept to study amongst others?

    I get interested in how young child's paintings commercialised and how they're presented in the website. What do you think of that aspect?

  2. can't believe she's six!! this is really interesting since I've never really gone into abstract art either.
