Tuesday 6 March 2012

Elliott Louis gallery Floor plan

FYI. This is a floor plan of the gallery we're going to show our works. The gallery is going to be shared with Arts Umbrella's end of the year exhibition, so it's not all for us. This means we'll have some restrictions on the space and installation as it's a private commercial gallery space, but nothing to worry yet plus it'll be a great exercise for you all.  I know some of you wanted to see the space. Feel free to visit during the gallery opening hours. 


  1. we have access to the huge open space in the middle?

  2. It's actually not 'huge', as we're going to share the space. We'll have to see how we're going to divide it, and also I have to see YOUR artwork will turn out. That said, I have only viewed a few proposals for the final show so far. Where are others?? I don't have enough time to review and prepare for the next class if you don't send me your proposal now...
